All about...

This blog is about my friends and awesome events I'm going to or stuff. But mostly about my friends Shelbbie, Raven, Carlos, David and Jardel!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fun Day

Today was the first time I have seen my BFF, Alyce in a year or two. We went to Legacy Place in Dedham
to go to the Deluxe Cinema to see Mars Needs Moms. It was in 3D! It was a little boring in the middle because almost the same thing happend over again. After we saw the movie, we went to Justice to shop.
Alyce got a Diary, I got nothing. There was nothing that I liked to much so now I'm waiting for the Spring
sale. Well anyways I'm kind of just watching T.V. I'm watching Dragon Ball Z Kai. It's my favorite show of
all time!

Friday, March 11, 2011


Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted anything lately. Well, I just wanted to say how I had a very fun Friday this
week. It was totally fun because I had a little party in my classroom. It was for this kid named Aaron. It was
his last day at school in fifth grade. We had cake, candy, and chocolate chip cookies. I had like, one  
good-sized piece of cake, and two chocolate chip cookies. It was pretty awesome! and then after that my Mom picked me up from school a little early because I had a dentist appointment. I usually take the bus but I had to get picked up. I had an expander for my teeth I needed to get out of my mouth. Well, now I have it
out and in two weeks I get a retainer. I will have to take it out when I eat. This should interesting on day one.
Well, just wanted to share my day with you.