All about...

This blog is about my friends and awesome events I'm going to or stuff. But mostly about my friends Shelbbie, Raven, Carlos, David and Jardel!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away!

It's Pouring outside and I'm posting a bunch of random things on my Blog! So here I am. Super Bored so Ba-Bye!

My Room

The Killing By:TheKanda67 (Kaitlyn + Amanda)

My Random Old Pics!

oh no, its evil Buddy!    Reta
                          Evil Buddy!

Kaitlyn and Keith    Reta
                Me and Keith at a Christmas Party!

Just some of the family    Reta
             Another christmas party pic! all of us!

Mini Cereal box fight!
Can I still call him my little brother?    RetaMy uncle Robert as a Marine!


Say Tattoos!


Keith with no shirt on eating Pizza

Eww MOM!
                                                         My cat Leelee!

The Ultimate Show Down