All about...

This blog is about my friends and awesome events I'm going to or stuff. But mostly about my friends Shelbbie, Raven, Carlos, David and Jardel!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


hahaha I finally got a facebook profile suckers! It's Kaitlyn Rampino don't friend me unless I know you because I don't wanna be friends withsome stalker, lol

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Hey What's up guys! It's Halloween today and I get to go Trick-or-Treating!!! I can't wait for all the
candy I'm gonna get! My street is longer than the neighborhood I used to live in so I get MORE CANDY!!!! I'm a Devil this year and my little brother is an anime character, from Dragom Ball Z... He's Super Sayain 4 Goku. Me and my brother LOVE Dragon Ball Z! So he wanted tp dress up as Goku. His costume is home made, like from fabric and stuff...  Well anyways I'm just sitting on my lazy but, using the laptop... so yeah.... OMG I TOTALLY ALMOST FORGOT!!!!! Today is my little brother's Birthday! He turns 9 years old today! It feels like he never gets older though, because his B-Day is almost at the end of the year... as for my birthday which is in July is a month after the middle of the year so I don't have to wait long for my birthday. And now about my school day! I'm sorry if I'm boring you... it's just that I have so much to talk about! Well anyways most of the teachers at my school dressed up in costumes! which I thought was Hilarious! Just wanted to wish you a great Halloween! GET LOTS OF CANDY!!!                  

Sunday, October 16, 2011

New House!

I'm at my new house right now, in my brand new room! I have all my crap packed in boxes and stuff... I have like... no furniture in my room because I get a whole new bed set Monday or Tuesday. So I have to sleep on a mattress with no sheets and the mattress is on the floor! That sucks.... so now I have to wait for an actual bed frame. So yea........  I have two doors in my room that go up to the attic so that's pretty awesome. My room is the biggest bedroom in the house! So again that is very cool. Well better get off because I have to unpack so............. DUCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Roslindale Day Parade!

Today is The Roslindale Day Parade. Since I live in Roslindale and live on the street they pass by, I'm going to the parade! I go every year. People in floats throw candy and little toy things at the crowds. I always say hi to the characters going down the street! Especially I say hi to The Cat in the hat! Yea, yea I know I'm too old for him... but I still say hi to him (lol). Since Keith (my little brother) is a boy scout he gets to march in the parade! That's way cool! well anyways gotta Run! PEACE OUT HOME DAWGS!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lazy Blog Post.... =P

I really don't know what to call this post right here so please excuse my boredom and randomness. I just wanna post something and so, HERE I AM! It's 9:46 pm.... OH I KNOW! I can talk about science and how it was funish.... I got to work with goggles and a lab coat! I get to use test tubes and pipettes... And that's pretty much it... Like I said just a blog post full of random and boredom so nothing much to it! SO in that case, peace out suckers!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Very First WarHead! XP

                    It was really,really,really SOUR!

LIGHT SABAR WAR!!! =D (Me and Keith)

                      another day of boredness.....

Packing :P

I'm listening to "Stereo Hearts" by Gym Class Heroes and Adam Levine while packing up some of my stuff for the new house in Canton... I'm movin October 15. Oh look at that the song changed! it's now "What's my Name" by Drake and Rihanna. rite now I'm packing my books up. I have sooo many of them! Gonna miss you all!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Well it's almost time for me to move. I'm going to move to Canton. I finally get my own room! YAY! I'm gonna miss my friends in Boston but I'll always hang out with them! I'll never be too far..... anyways, I'm so not going to miss living in front of a train that goes by every 10 minutes, but I will miss living near a gas station because I love Flamin' Hot Cheetos and they ALWAYS have them and they are my absolute favorite so... I'm gonna miss that, but where I'm moving to I thing there is a 7 eleven and a mall and an awesome, homemade ice cream place so that's way cool! well I'll blog later so PEACE OUT HOME DOGS!!! (LOL)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Homework.... :p

I have to do Math Homework... Ugh I am not enjoying it at all!

*10 minutes later*

I'm stuck on a dumb problem!

*10 more minutes later*

Ooh it's getting easier!

*3 MORE minutes later*

These problems are giving me a head ache!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

eHarmony Video Bio- Bacon Lady

                                                    This is really Hilarious! (NOT REAL DATING VIDEO!)

School Started!

I've been in school for 2 days and I LOVE IT!!! I go to the Curley K-8. I made new friends on the first day and all my teachers are extremely nice. My Home Room Teacher and Sience teacher is Ms. Fellicetti. She is really nice and she said we might dicect something! She also said if we're good all year at the end of the year she's going to take us all to Canoebie Lake Park!! Yay!

Here is a video of some of the things I got for school:

Friday, September 2, 2011


Yay! After... hmmm..... 1,2,3..... 6 DAYS of no electricity I finally got it back!!! I'm sooo happy! I had one outlet we had running in our house and we had a t.v, the fridge, my bed room light and ceiling fan, and the living room ceiling fan and light working. So we were very lucky because some people have no power at all until maybe September 4th or 6th.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away!

It's Pouring outside and I'm posting a bunch of random things on my Blog! So here I am. Super Bored so Ba-Bye!

My Room

The Killing By:TheKanda67 (Kaitlyn + Amanda)

My Random Old Pics!

oh no, its evil Buddy!    Reta
                          Evil Buddy!

Kaitlyn and Keith    Reta
                Me and Keith at a Christmas Party!

Just some of the family    Reta
             Another christmas party pic! all of us!

Mini Cereal box fight!
Can I still call him my little brother?    RetaMy uncle Robert as a Marine!


Say Tattoos!


Keith with no shirt on eating Pizza

Eww MOM!
                                                         My cat Leelee!

The Ultimate Show Down

Friday, July 8, 2011

Graduation Pics!

                   Our "Dynamite Parody" By: ME!

                                             My slide show entry...

                                        Our Princapal, Mr. D.B is making a speach...

                             Ms.Herzig making a speach!

                                                            Ms. Van making a speach...

                                             Me, my mom and my dad!

                                             Me and my grandma!

                                     Me and my uncle Robert...

                                            Me and my Aunt Christine

                                        Me and my baby cousin Mackenzey

                                  Funny Faces!

                                      Me, Shelbbie and Desiree!


                                     All of us!

                        Ms. Herzig and me!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Oh Summer.../Happy Fourth!

Well I'm out of school rite now becuz it's SUMMER!!!!! I do miss my friends but I have most of their phone #'s and I do email them. It is Also THE FOURTH OF JULY!!! And in just 4 days it's my B-DAY! I turn 11! I'm so extremely excited! It's to bad I have to watch the fireworks on tv tonite instead of actually seeing them outside... Well anyways blog ya l8r!

Friday, June 24, 2011

At School!

Right now I'm at school listening to the radio. It's almost the last day! ='( I'm gonna miss everyone! I DON'T WANNA LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been at this school for 6 years since Kindergarten! Of course I don't wanna leave because I'm gonna never see my friends again! Maybe.... Well anyways, PEACE TO THE WORLD!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dragon Ball Z Kai

Yes! The Final Chapter of the Dragon Ball Z Kai Saga is May 30th!!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I've been waiting for a new episode fo a while now. WOW! Just 11 hours of Dragon Ball Z Kai! All day. Can't wait!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Michael Jackson- They Don't Care About Us

Click Link For Video!

MCAS Testing

YES!!! We're done with the Science, Reading and Math MCAS in my 5th grade for the rest of the school year! I'm so happy that I think i'm gonna go get an ice pop and celebrate.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Trip To Vermont!!!

Just came home from Vermont. We saw lot's of animals since we were on a farm all week. We saw a pig,
calves, goats, ducks and more. once I get picks I'll post a better blog post. Well, PEACE OUT!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Boredness of a Girl Named Kaitlyn

hey guys! It's just me... being bored... watching my brother play PS2. I'm about to check my email. So Peace out Peoples!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Boredness on Saturday

Well I'm just watching my brother play Wii. He is playing "Wario Land Shake It". I'm just typing away on the computer about to go on youtube. Well I will talk to you guys later!

Awsomeness of Yesterday

Yesterday was really awesome. It was awesome because before science class the first grade teacher,
Ms. Rice started beating up Raven! Obviously he wasn't really hurt. But it was hilarious! I really hated the snow yesterday. Why did it have to snow on the first day of April! Well back to the topic. I also had
cheerleading yesterday. It was so much fun! We cheered at a Chess Tounament. It sounds boring but it was actually really fun. We cheered in the beginning then we got off the stage and just sat in the audience,
watching the teachers and students play chess. Not all the cheerleaders were there. There are five cheerleaders so we only had four. As soon as there was an empty chess board Shelbbie and Eileen, two
cheerleaders were playing "fake" chess. Thats when you don't know how to play chess and you just move the pieces around randomly. I played against Shelbbie too. When we were done with that we had about
45 minutes left until we got picked up. So we just goofed around a bit. We went into the afterschool
program room (witch is just the library). We had slices of pizza, crackers, and orange slices in there. When we were done with our food we goofed around some more and then it was time to go. Well that was my day!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fun Day

Today was the first time I have seen my BFF, Alyce in a year or two. We went to Legacy Place in Dedham
to go to the Deluxe Cinema to see Mars Needs Moms. It was in 3D! It was a little boring in the middle because almost the same thing happend over again. After we saw the movie, we went to Justice to shop.
Alyce got a Diary, I got nothing. There was nothing that I liked to much so now I'm waiting for the Spring
sale. Well anyways I'm kind of just watching T.V. I'm watching Dragon Ball Z Kai. It's my favorite show of
all time!

Friday, March 11, 2011


Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted anything lately. Well, I just wanted to say how I had a very fun Friday this
week. It was totally fun because I had a little party in my classroom. It was for this kid named Aaron. It was
his last day at school in fifth grade. We had cake, candy, and chocolate chip cookies. I had like, one  
good-sized piece of cake, and two chocolate chip cookies. It was pretty awesome! and then after that my Mom picked me up from school a little early because I had a dentist appointment. I usually take the bus but I had to get picked up. I had an expander for my teeth I needed to get out of my mouth. Well, now I have it
out and in two weeks I get a retainer. I will have to take it out when I eat. This should interesting on day one.
Well, just wanted to share my day with you.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bad Day

Today I had a bad day at school. Our teacher Ms. Van kept on yelling at us becuase we were talking during reading. I hate this day.

Friday, January 14, 2011

My BFF And I

Having a sleepover with my Best Friend Amanda at her house. Having fun and babysitting. Joy right? We're going to have a PARTY!!!!! =D

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day!

                                                January 12, 2011  

That really BIG snow storm caused us to have 2 days off of school! I was extremely excited when I saw the news tonight.