All about...

This blog is about my friends and awesome events I'm going to or stuff. But mostly about my friends Shelbbie, Raven, Carlos, David and Jardel!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Ayyyooo I'm Back

sup bitches. im back after a 10 year hiatus. hows it going? im listening to Suffer With Me by Liue rn and looking up SCPs with my bf Robbie. I didn;t work today so i barely did anything. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012


<a href="" title="Click to view my Home" alt="Click to view my Home"><img border="0" src=""></a>

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

OMG It's been forever!

Hey Guys! I haven't been blogging in like thousands of years! I'm here sitting at my computer desk, typing, being bored like I always am.... Well, I will find something to talk about in my next post so yea.... BYEE! <3

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Hey guys! Not sure what to call this but you know..... just being me right? Hahaha! Well school has been good... and such. Went to Walgreens after eating Chinese food for some reason. I honestly don't know what to talk about! Man, I haven't been on my blogger forever! well anyways I just wanted to say hi! Hahaha! 7 more days til'  Valentines day.... Oh god! haha... well i blog later bye bye!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


hahaha I finally got a facebook profile suckers! It's Kaitlyn Rampino don't friend me unless I know you because I don't wanna be friends withsome stalker, lol

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Hey What's up guys! It's Halloween today and I get to go Trick-or-Treating!!! I can't wait for all the
candy I'm gonna get! My street is longer than the neighborhood I used to live in so I get MORE CANDY!!!! I'm a Devil this year and my little brother is an anime character, from Dragom Ball Z... He's Super Sayain 4 Goku. Me and my brother LOVE Dragon Ball Z! So he wanted tp dress up as Goku. His costume is home made, like from fabric and stuff...  Well anyways I'm just sitting on my lazy but, using the laptop... so yeah.... OMG I TOTALLY ALMOST FORGOT!!!!! Today is my little brother's Birthday! He turns 9 years old today! It feels like he never gets older though, because his B-Day is almost at the end of the year... as for my birthday which is in July is a month after the middle of the year so I don't have to wait long for my birthday. And now about my school day! I'm sorry if I'm boring you... it's just that I have so much to talk about! Well anyways most of the teachers at my school dressed up in costumes! which I thought was Hilarious! Just wanted to wish you a great Halloween! GET LOTS OF CANDY!!!                  

Sunday, October 16, 2011

New House!

I'm at my new house right now, in my brand new room! I have all my crap packed in boxes and stuff... I have like... no furniture in my room because I get a whole new bed set Monday or Tuesday. So I have to sleep on a mattress with no sheets and the mattress is on the floor! That sucks.... so now I have to wait for an actual bed frame. So yea........  I have two doors in my room that go up to the attic so that's pretty awesome. My room is the biggest bedroom in the house! So again that is very cool. Well better get off because I have to unpack so............. DUCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!